Bootstrap 2025
This edition of the Bootstrap will take place at the Instituto Principia in São Paulo, Brazil, from July 21 to August 8 of 2025.
Click here to see the list of confirmed participants.
Quantum field theory (QFT) is a universal language for theoretical physics, describing the Standard Model, gravity, early universe inflation, and condensed matter phenomena such as phase transitions, superconductors, and quantum Hall fluids. A triumph of 20th century physics was to understand weakly coupled QFTs: theories whose interactions can be treated as small perturbations of otherwise freely moving particles. However, weakly coupled QFTs represent a tiny island in an ocean of possibilities. They cannot capture many of the most interesting and important physical phenomena, from the strong nuclear force to high temperature superconductivity.
The critical challenge for the 21st century is to understand and solve strongly coupled QFTs. The Bootstrap collaboration tackles this critical problem from a myriad of different rigorous perspectives, consistency with general principles of symmetry and quantum mechanics being the central theme.
More details will be posted here as July 21 approaches. The third week of Bootstrap 2025 will be shared with the first week of a two week program on Fundamental Aspects of String Theory.
Local Organizers: Connor Behan (ICTP-SAIFR, Brazil), Nathan Berkovits (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP), Pedro Vieira (IFT-SAIFR-Perimeter, Brazil-Canada)
Organizing Committee: Andrea Guerrieri (CERN-City, Switzerland-UK), Silviu Pufu (Princeton, US), Leonardo Rastelli (YITP, US), Balt van Rees (École Polytechnique, France)
Scientific Advisory Committee: The members of the Simons Non-perturbative Bootstrap Collaboration: Leonardo Rastelli, Slava Rychkov, Christopher Beem, Simon Caron-Huot, Miguel Costa, Liam Fitzpatrick, Tom Hartman, Jared Kaplan, Ami Katz, Zohar Komargodski, João Penedones, David Poland, Silviu Pufu, David Simmons-Duffin, Balt van Rees, Pedro Vieira and Xi Yin.
Simons Collaborations, made possible by support from the Simons Foundation, bring together groups of outstanding scientists to address mathematical or theoretical topics of fundamental scientific importance in which a significant new development has created a novel area for exploration or provided a new direction for progress in an established field.
The website of previous events organized by ICTP-SAIFR including, IGST 2020, Bootstrap 2023 and Integrability meets Bootstrap 2024 can be accessed from the Previous Events link in the menu.