There will be two events related to Integrability organized in Sao Paulo by ICTP-SAIFR in June 2024:

1) The 2024 edition of “Integrability in Gauge and String Theory” IGST 2024 will take place from June 17-21 at Instituto Principia in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Registrations for IGST 2024 are now closed.

2) A workshop of the Simons Collaboration on Nonperturbative Bootstrap “Bootstrap meets Integrability” will take place from June 10-14 at Instituto Principia in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Attendance is by invitation only, however, registrants of IGST 2024 can request to participate in this workshop as well at the moment of registration.

The website of previous events organized by ICTP-SAIFR on the topic of exact-solvability techniques, IGST 2020 and Bootstrap 2023, can be accessed from the Previous Events link in the menu.